Following our programming and joining our classes is an excellent way to begin your journey to the best version of yourself. However, nutrition is another integral pillar to discovering your best self and allowing you to perform at the levels you desire during your workouts.

Through coaching our clients we take into account the whole person, their unique situations, lifestyle factors, and psychological aspects both in regards to training as well as nutrition. Which is why our macro based nutritional consultation program includes weekly check-ins and support from our experienced coach and nutritional expert, Jess.

Our goal at CrossFit 033 is to provide you with the tools you need to make a long lasting lifestyle change while improving your knowledge on workout and nutritional aspects and providing support to lead you to success.

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Jessica has been a nutrition coach with 033 Strength and Conditioning since 2017.  She has worked with countless members and non-members helping them to achieve their goals both performance-wise and aesthetically.  With certifications from both Precision Nutrition and Working Against Gravity, aligned with advanced certifications in weight cutting for competitive athletes and womens’ hormonal health, Jess is qualified to work with any type of athlete or individual who walks through our doors. 

“After 12 months of nutrition coaching and 8 months of programming with Jess, I can confidently say I’m in the absolute best shape of my life. The nutrition coaching is more than just throwing macros at you and wishing you luck. Weekly check ins, adjustments based on how I’m feeling, and overall accessibility, whether it’s for support or questions, has been a huge help and a big part of my success. The programming has been incredible as well and given me all of the tools I need to be successful. We sat down early in the process to establish my goals and every one of them has been met or exceeded thanks to programming that was tailored specifically for what I needed and wanted to accomplish. At the end of the day I can’t recommend Jess highly enough for nutrition and/or programming. Results speak for themselves and mine have been tremendous.”

“The best I have ever felt was when I was working with you for the couple of months. Having the accountability of someone with knowledge that can answer questions in a place as though you don’t feel you are being judged is the most awesome thing ever!”

“Jess is great in every aspect when it comes to nutrition coaching! On two different occasions, I have used Jess to assist me in reaching my own personal goals. Aside from physical transformations, I always appreciate having someone in my corner, holding me accountable. Jess has helped me and my relationship with food, first and foremost! I never feel as I’m on a “diet” or that I am depriving myself of certain things. She always has great food ideas/recipes, tips and tricks for hitting macros and has helped me find great at-home workouts for during the pandemic. She takes the time to check in about every aspect of life, not just food. Sleep, energy levels, mental health, stress, water intake…. things that are huge factors for achieving goals. She has been a huge supporter and my biggest cheerleader throughout different stages of my life. There were times in my life I have tried any other route to help achieve my goals, but truly have only been successful when working with her. Working with her, at the end of the day, has been the best investment in myself and my overall health and well-being.”

“When I initially contacted Jess, 9 months ago, I didn’t really know what to except. I had reached a point where I was incredibly unhappy with my body and wanted nothing more than to make improvements. I was talking with my fiancé and suggested giving it a try thinking that working with our crossfit coach would help hold some accountability.

Over the past 9 month by body has completely changed, losing over 20 pounds, but also maintaining the muscle I had (even hitting some pr’s along the way).  But what I find the most rewarding is the knowledge Jess has shared with me about nutrition. When I first started I remember texting her wondering what I should do when I was going out to eat with friends. Now I don’t worry as much knowing if I preplan it will be ok. And it’s ok to enjoy yourself a few times here and there, because one bad day won’t affect your progress you’ve made. I’m not as afraid of food and realized not all food is bad food. If you want the ice cream cone you can have it, you just have to plan around it.

Even through the pandemic, working from home and just not feeling motivated Jess has helped me be successful and find the best version in me yet. And I can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store.”


Ready to make a life change?

Let us make the first step for you, first visit is on us. Please contact us to schedule a free consultation. We’re thrilled to help you along your path to a fit and healthy life. Get in touch with our experts who take great pride in helping achieve your goals.